Helpful Tips For Moving Your King Size Bed

A king size bed gives you plenty of room to stretch out at the end of a long and stressful day. So when you move, you want your bed to make it safely into the bedroom so that you can enjoy it all over again. Learn how you can move your king size bed with ease.

Take the Bed Apart

Don't even attempt to move your bed without taking it apart first. You will undoubtedly cause damage to your bed if you do so. First, even shifting the bed slightly across the floor can cause damage to the fasteners that connect the bed. Even the slightest amount of damage will alter the stability of your bed. Rather than try to rotate the bed, disassemble it exactly where it is for the best result. 

Move the Mattress and Box Spring First

You might not realize just how large your bed is until you start to move the bed around. You can save yourself a great deal of heartache by removing the mattress and the box spring before you do anything else. For most beds, the mattress and box spring are the heaviest parts of the bed, so if you can get them out of the way, the disassembling process is a lot easier. 

Pack Everything Up

Save yourself some time during the unpacking process by packing everything together. As you take the bed apart, collect all the fasteners and screws together and place them inside a sealable plastic bag. If you can, tape the bag to one of the inside panels of the bed. If your bed has a lot of different connections, take a picture of each corner of the bed, print the photo, and place it inside the bag as well. In the event someone else puts the bed together, having the picture for reference will be helpful.

Store Upright

Ensure you store your mattress in an upright position. If you place the mattress on the ground, it will take up more space, and you'll be more apt to place something on top of the mattress, which can cause damage. If you can, try to place the mattress up against the wall as well. If you place the mattress in an upright position but in the middle of the truck, it will hang to one side or another, which can also cause damage to the mattress.

Follow these tips to protect your bed, or better yet, hire professional movers to assist you. A professional mover will take over all the hard work for you.

425 Words

About Me

Storing Baby Items Safely After we had our last child, I wasn't sure I wanted to have any more kids. We decided to move all of our baby items into storage, but just to be safe in the event we changed our minds, we exercised extreme caution when we packed things away. We wrapped furniture carefully and did everything we could to keep clothes in great condition, and within a few months things really changed for us. We decided that we did want another baby, so we ended up moving things out of storage and back into our homes. Read this website for great tips on storing items carefully.

